Monday, April 5, 2010

Beautiful rainbow!!

Friday was a weird weather day. In the morning we had strong storms and heavy rain. Then it turned cool and the sun came out. When I go home the weather was perfect.......until..... out of the blue a strong storm about two miles wide and three miles long came right over our house. So as we where looking out laughing at the fact that the sun was out a half a mile away, I went to the front door and saw this beautiful rainbow!!

We also had our last shetland lamb born Friday. A single ram lamb. So all ram lambs form the shetlands this year and two buckling and one doeling angoras with one more doe left to kid. I am hoping for another doeling!!
I moved the electiric netting Sunday night. And tonight I got one of the angora's, Matilda, sheared. She is the last one to kid so I really wanted to get her done so I can keep an eye on her bag. She had been due to kid March 24th but no such luck. So now I am not sure when she will kid! I ended up using my horse clippers on her and they worked wonderful!! No worrying about cut her or me! It took longer and I have quite a few more second cuts but since my big clippers need a part I was going to hard clip her. So I think it went a whole lot better.
Well, I was going to get some more pictures to night but my camera needs new batteries. And of course there are none in the house and I can't find the battery charger for the rechargable batteries.
So hopefully tomorrow I will have some more pictures!


  1. So you joined me for a ram year, huh? :-)

  2. Yep. Rams all around. Poor Agatha is the only girl of all the babies. Oh well... they are fun to watch play! I could just sit and watch them for hours when they are playing!
