Monday, March 28, 2011

Shetland twins!

Well, my Shetlands are almost done!! Sunday afternoon my black shetland ewe (she doesn't have a name) had twins. A ewe lamb and a ram lamb. The ewe was suppose to be bred to my shetland ram DiNozzo, but she decided she liked Herriot, my grey Icelandic ram better. She kept slipping over to his pen, no matter how I fixed the 'holes' in the fencing. So I decided to just leave her there and see what happened.

Two beautiful black lambs is what happened! And one is a ewe! I am so thrilled!!

I raise my Shetlands for their fleeces and also for meat. So ewe lambs are usually retained as long as the wool is of high quality. The ram lambs are desitin for a freezer. Either mine or someone elses. So, because of that I do not name any of the ram lambs out of my Shetlands. But this little ewe lamb will needed a name, and her mother does too. I am open to suggestions.

My other Shetland ewe had lambs this afternoon. Twin ram lambs. So no names for them. But I will get some pictures of them tomorrow, my batteries were going dead so I had to recharge.

I also purchased three more Shetland sheep. Two ewes and a ram. I will have more on them in a couple of days. One of the ewes, Ester, is also due to lamb any day now. The other ewe doesn't look to be pregnant.

More posts coming soon!

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